Rules and Regulations


(Parents and students must read and adapt themselves to the rules and procedures of the school an extend Whole some co-operation)

  1. Every student must possess a ‘School Diary’ which must be brought to school daily, failing which after two warnings they will be punished as per school rules in force.

  2. Students are strictly ‘Forbidden’ from bringing cell phone/Transistors / Camera or electronic goods to the school. Bringing any expensive item, wearing of Gold jewellery / Magazine / Game cards will lead to suspension from class for two days. After two days of punishment any violation is noticed He / She will be debarred from the school for one full month.

  3. It is compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full Uniform, black shoes with socks daily, as per school rules.

  4. Students who are not in full uniform will not be allowed to attend the class. After two warnings, parents will be called for and notice will be issued.

  5. The students should bring the notes and text books strictly according to school time table. Any deviation in this aspect will be liable for reducing the marks in F(a) activities.

  6. Late comers should not enter the class without permission of concern in charge.

  7. The gates will be closed by 8.55 a.m.

  8. In case of repeated irregularity a warning note will be issued and parents will have to meet the principal and to submit a letter.

  9. Speaking English is compulsory in the school campus.

  10. Application for leave must be made only in the format given in this handbook. No other form of application for leave will be entertained under any circumstances.

  11. Medical Fitness certificate must be produced when the child is absent for 3 or more days on medical grounds.

  12. Pupils suffering from infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend school.

  13. No pupil shall be allowed to leave the school premises during the school time including lunch break.

  14. Any change of address or telephone number should intimated to the school office without delay.

  15. Insubordination to teachers, any kind of cheating or serious misconduct or any habit of behavior, which is objectionable to the good tone of the school are sufficient reasons for punishment, suspension or even dismissal from school.